Carpet Cleaning The Eco-Friendly Way: How To Do It

Some cleaning products are considered to be the most harmful for the environment. They can be almost impossible to avoid in some cases. It’s good news that the green revolution on the market is leading towards the production of eco-friendly products.

There are many methods to clean carpets with consideration for the environment. There are many options available, including professional eco cleaning services with fees or plant-based cleaning products. You can also use DIY cleaning solutions that you might already have in your home.

These are some tips for carpet cleaning in an eco-friendly manner:

  • Professional Eco Cleaning Service

It is a great idea to hire professional cleaning services for busy homes or commercial spaces. Cleaning can be completed quickly and easily this way.

Do your research before hiring carpet cleaning companies. You should verify that they only use eco-friendly, hypoallergenic and volatile organic compounds, or VOC-free products.

Professional cleaning services are known for their efficiency. Most tools, such as steam cleaners, can do the entire job, which reduces the need for strong cleaning agents or chemicals.

  • Vacuum Clean Regularly

Regular vacuuming is one way to keep dirt and dust from building up on carpets. If left unattended for even a week, dirt can penetrate the carpet and cause permanent staining and discoloration.

Carpets should be vacuumed at home at least twice per week. If you have pets who walk outside and bring in dirt and soil, you can vacuum it every other day. You can also avoid using harsh cleaners on difficult-to-clean areas.

Before you use a cleaner to remove stains from carpets, vacuum cleaning is an important step. To reveal stubborn stains, vacuuming is an essential step before you can use a cleaner.

Overall, choose a vacuum that suits your carpet cleaning needs.

  • Choose Children And Pet Safe Products

If you have the time, carpet cleaning in canberra can be done yourself. You should be cautious when choosing which products to use.

You must ensure that the product is safe. Because they emit toxic fumes, cleaners containing hazardous chemicals can be dangerous for pets and children. These chemicals include solvents and acids.

You should avoid chemical-based cleaners and opt for all-natural products. Look out for labels that say ‘hypoallergenic’.

You can also opt for plant-based cleaning products. These products are made from eco-friendly ingredients and produced using sustainable manufacturing techniques. These green products can also be used to support the green sector.

  • Create Your Own Eco-Friendly Carpet Stain Remover

Carpet cleaning can be done by yourself. This will ensure that you are only using environmentally-friendly products. Some of the most effective and safest cleaning products can be found in your own kitchen. They can also be cheaper than the readily available cleaners.

These are some eco-friendly carpet stain removers that you can make at home.

Baking Paste

  • Baking soda is an eco-friendly solution to removing unpleasant odors from carpet. These unpleasant odors are often caused by liquid spillage which doesn’t dry quickly.
  • Mix 1/2 cup baking soda with 1/3 cup water in a bowl to make a paste. Mix until the mixture forms a paste-like texture. Apply it to the stained area or to the smelly spot.
  • Allow the paste to dry on the surface for three hours. To ensure that the paste is absorbed into the carpet, you can cover it with a damp cloth. Next, vacuum the entire area to get rid of the paste.

Baking Soda And Vinegar

  • You can also activate baking soda by adding vinegar. This home-keeping trick works well to remove stains and odors.
  • Spray a spray bottle with vinegar. Spray the vinegar on the stained surface and sprinkle the baking soda over it. Vinegar and baking soda can create a bubble that can lift stains. After the bubbles subside wipe it with a damp cloth and vacuum.
  • Baking soda or vinegar can also be used to remove pet urine smells from your home.

Vinegar And Water Solution

  • Professional carpet cleaners will recommend using white vinegar and water as the best odor eliminator. It can be used as a spray, or combined with a steamer.
  • Make a solution by mixing equal amounts of vinegar and warm water. Next, put the solution in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on the carpet, paying attention to areas that have a stronger smell. Allow it to dry completely before vacuuming.
  • Use a steamer to clean the carpet. It may initially leave a pickle-like, sour smell. However, this will disappear once the carpet dries. For a more pleasant aroma, you can spray essential oil-infused water on the carpet after it dries.


It is much easier to clean carpets in an eco-friendly manner. There are no harmful chemicals, toxic fumes, or discoloration that can be caused by unapproved cleaning products. Instead, you can feel confident that your home is safe, clean, and fresh-smelling.

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